Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spiders In Strange Places

Use the vacuum cleaner attachments to get into all the little crevices around the house. Once you vacuum, empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner and take it outside. Spiders can live inside vacuum cleaner! If you vacuumed up any of the spider eggs, they can hatch inside the bag. How freaky awful it would be to find spiders climbing out the hose!! Makes me shudder just to think about it.

Do not store things in cardboard boxes. Why? You may ask... because cardboard is made out of wood. Wood is a spider's natural habitat, so they are drawn to the cardboard boxes. Oh now there is something I didn't know! I'm going to be getting my stuff out of the boxes and into those big plastic storage containers right away!

Until I can get to the stuff in cardboard boxes, I'm going to spray my boxes with the all natural spray of Lemon, Lavender, Vinegar mixture I made to repel the spiders.

From the information I have found, the best way to get rid of spiders in the house, is to keep things clean and tidy.

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