Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keep Spiders Out Of The House

I'll share a few recipes I use that work to get rid of spiders, but it helps a lot to deter the spiders from wanting to hang out in my space in the first place. Here are a few ideas to keep spiders from coming into my house and keep them out of my stuff.

First of all, get rid of the clutter. Don't give the spiders a place to hide. With this one, you get a bonus, because an organized home without extra clutter is very relaxing and easier to keep clean!

Get rid of the spider food. This means, get rid of the ants and termites, and other bugs. If you have bugs in your house, you will have spiders in your house.

Vacuum on a regular basis. Vacuum the back side of your furniture, around the tops of the baseboards, the tracks of your windows, door jams, under beds, and behind the big pieces of furniture.

Seal around the pipes coming into your house. When we moved into our new home, I was shocked at the size of the hole the plumber drilled for the pipes under our bathroom sink. Seal those things up.

Spiders don't like lemon or lavender. Wipe down everything with lemon oil. I use lemon fresh pledge wipes to wipe down the openings around the plumbing pipes, electrical outlets, baseboards, doorways, windows, etc... Spiders feel around with their legs and when they touch the lemon they may be deterred from walking across it. Be aware, the oil may leave an oily stain, so be careful where you use this. I use the lemon wipes everywhere and I haven't had any oily stains. However, it is an oil base, so it could be an issue.

I will share a few natural homemade recipes for spider sprays in another post, so stay tuned.

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